When the résumé gets so long and diverse it starts looking more like an autobiography than a summary. I had an entire life before fitness, but fitness was always a part of it, until what I call “Life” such as it was took over. Having gained 50 pounds in less than decade I looked into the future and didn’t like what I saw; a 250 lb. fatty with a teenage daughter who was dating athletes. The image scared me into the gym. This was the resurrection of a commitment to physical fitness that began in my “tweens.” It started with a five year plan to get strong enough to lift (bench press) my own weight as well as the weight an any boy my future teenage daughter would bring home.
I’ve been certified as a personal trainer since 2005, and have been leading/teaching group fitness classes & sessions since 2007. I’m certified in several different disciplines; however most of the sessions I teach can be classified under “Primary Aerobics.” I’ve developed an outlook and a personal philosophy on health & fitness, nutrition and the industries around it. The purpose of this website and anything that surrounds it is to motivate, coach, educate and convince as many people as possible that a so-called fitness lifestyle is the most beneficial way to live. It doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money to be healthy. In fact, as I’ve discovered, the deeper you get into a lifestyle that revolves around health, fitness & wellness the more you realize how superfluous many of life’s material possessions are. |
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