I'm KC [Bajai] and here’s a quick (fitness) background.
I returned to weight lifting after gaining 50 pounds (mostly fat.) I gave myself a five year plan (1996 – 2001) and dropped 25 lbs. by mainly lifting weights. The next five year plan (2001 – 2006) was aimed toward more at activity, aerobics classes, etc. In 2005 I heard about P90X and started doing my own versions of 90 day fitness “challenges.” I got results, but not as dramatic as implied in the Infomercials.
Also in 2005 I became a Certified Personal Trainer and started working in a Rittenhouse Square gym at the end of that year. In May of 2007 (after earning a Primary Aerobics cert) I started leading group exercise (GX) sessions at Temple and in the next two to three years I trained at St. Joe’s, University of the Sciences (USP), 12th St. Gym, and in 2008 I became a personal trainer at the Lansdowne YMCA. In 2009 I started teaching the Functional Fitness class at the Y and added Aqua Box (an in-water conditioning session) to my schedule at Temple U.
Current certifications include Primary Aerobics, Kick Boxing, Aqua (water) Trainer, Yoga* and three others I don’t use as much. (I’ll only teach beginning yoga classes/sessions which I present with an emphasis towards exercise, breathing & stretching, rather than spiritual enlightenment.) Oh yeah, I’m also CPR Certified.
Fitness, (exercise, conditioning, wellness & health) and the philosophy and science thereof has been an inseparable part of my lifestyle for the past two decades. I am constantly amazed at how the body works, almost independently of our consciousness, to keep us (and it) alive. I feel I’ve become an advocate and example of the myriad advantages of a healthy lifestyle (as cliché as that may sound.)
Currently, I’m at the beginning of a 90 Day Physique Make-Over, at least that’s what I’m calling it. I will be sharing my results (or lack thereof) with everyone via this blog, so follow along; add your suggestions, feedback, and questions.
As for the fitness classes & sessions, leave comments here about the class; what you liked, what you didn’t care for… more of this… less of that, etc. No need to identify yourself (I don’t think). But if you want to be friends beyond the fitness class that’s cool too. You can click on the FB icon, or just leave your email address.
Finally – as mentioned I am a Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness Consultant. I am not accepting PT clients at this time, however I can make time to help set up a fitness regimen for you.
Cheers. More from this blog as we move along.