It's day 12 and this is the first entry because I just decided to make this into a blog.
This 90 day makeover is happening within my 365 day boot camp [life.] For me, fitness, health and all that goes with it is a lifestyle. Four years ago I decided that that I should exist in a perpetual boot camp, but as with anything that's perpetual we get used to it. I've become accustomed to teaching 2 to 3 cardio classes a week and lifting weights almost five times a week. Sometimes I'd lift for strength, sometimes for power. This time around I am lifting weights for shape and definition.
I have to keep this in mind because it's easy to fall back into a power/strength routine, (especially when I see the young boys at the university rockin' such impressive poundages.)
What I haven't gotten used to is getting up and doing some serious cardio before breakfast. (Well, yes, by this time maybe I have.) For the past twelve days this has been the change that has jolted my body into releasing 6 pounds of weight. I'm not sure what that weight is exactly, but much of it is probably fat, according to what exercise science tells us.
I started this... and I always want to call it a challenge, but let's say discipline, on August 24, 2014. It should end on November 15th, just in time for the Holiday season. [As a note, it's a good idea to schedule these things as to not run into any food/celebration obstacles.] I left an extra week in case of any unforeseen circumstance(s).
So here's the routine; it's very basic; 20 - 30 minutes, sometimes more, of cardio every day, I do it in the morning before work, which turns out to be 4AM, a little later when I'm off. I lift on a two days 'on' one day 'off' schedule. I've already snuck an extra day in to work arms because I didn't get to finish a prior workout. (Real life sometimes blocks a brotha.)
I started taking video at the end of week one, but no proper stills. Videos will be available on my You Tube Channel (see link above) until then you can see some of the past flicks made during the journey.
Today is shoulders, abs and calves - but really shoulders. I do abs daily and calves on leg days and during fitness classes. Shoulders at home and then I teach class in the pool. Nice work. Keeps me in condition.
So stay with me for the next ten weeks. Maybe start your own regimen. Leave questions/requests in comments and wish me luck. I am anxious to see the results. The people who hype this stuff on TV & the net make me cynical enough to try it for myself. Again.
This 90 day makeover is happening within my 365 day boot camp [life.] For me, fitness, health and all that goes with it is a lifestyle. Four years ago I decided that that I should exist in a perpetual boot camp, but as with anything that's perpetual we get used to it. I've become accustomed to teaching 2 to 3 cardio classes a week and lifting weights almost five times a week. Sometimes I'd lift for strength, sometimes for power. This time around I am lifting weights for shape and definition.
I have to keep this in mind because it's easy to fall back into a power/strength routine, (especially when I see the young boys at the university rockin' such impressive poundages.)
What I haven't gotten used to is getting up and doing some serious cardio before breakfast. (Well, yes, by this time maybe I have.) For the past twelve days this has been the change that has jolted my body into releasing 6 pounds of weight. I'm not sure what that weight is exactly, but much of it is probably fat, according to what exercise science tells us.
I started this... and I always want to call it a challenge, but let's say discipline, on August 24, 2014. It should end on November 15th, just in time for the Holiday season. [As a note, it's a good idea to schedule these things as to not run into any food/celebration obstacles.] I left an extra week in case of any unforeseen circumstance(s).
So here's the routine; it's very basic; 20 - 30 minutes, sometimes more, of cardio every day, I do it in the morning before work, which turns out to be 4AM, a little later when I'm off. I lift on a two days 'on' one day 'off' schedule. I've already snuck an extra day in to work arms because I didn't get to finish a prior workout. (Real life sometimes blocks a brotha.)
I started taking video at the end of week one, but no proper stills. Videos will be available on my You Tube Channel (see link above) until then you can see some of the past flicks made during the journey.
Today is shoulders, abs and calves - but really shoulders. I do abs daily and calves on leg days and during fitness classes. Shoulders at home and then I teach class in the pool. Nice work. Keeps me in condition.
So stay with me for the next ten weeks. Maybe start your own regimen. Leave questions/requests in comments and wish me luck. I am anxious to see the results. The people who hype this stuff on TV & the net make me cynical enough to try it for myself. Again.