Just 30 Minutes of Movement Every day Will yield results.
Ok folks, here’s the first minimumwagefitness.com “How To” article. This process will work for you if you do it every day. Don’t ask why it works… the explanations will come later. Just do it and share your results.
Get up 30 to 40 minutes earlier every day and move around… this is also known as exercise. If you have to drag yourself out of bed do it. *I think cardio is best done at the beginning of the day, but you can do this any time really.
Disclaimer: (By the way, in case you follow this advice you should..)
It is strongly recommended that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.
You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise.
You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge minimumwagefitness.com from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of unforeseen circumstances.
This is the routine I’ve been doing since august 24th of this (2014) year. You can modify as necessary. I call this Eat Sweat: Zodiac Protocol, because there are twelve exercises and I imagine that I am the sun moving through the twelve constellations.
1) Run/Jog/March in place – if impact is an issue for any reason, be it joint concerns or downstairs neighbors, go gently. Raise your knees up high and put them down lightly.
2) Jacks – whether jumping or stepping. Keep your palms facing upward and touch your fingers.
3) Heel-toe shuffle – this is like back peddling. You can hop or step. (Stepping it reminds me of the Ghostbusters Dance.)
4) Shadow box – you can throw any type of punches you like, as many as you like, as slowly or as quickly as you like… just do it.
5) Burpees – (picture) personally I have a love-hate relationship with burpees. They will get the job done. I see these as something to be conquered and I attack them. You, may barely be able to get yourself down and up off of the floor, which is all the more reason you need to do them, or some version of them. So if you’ve never done these before, take each step as a mini exercise. For instance go from step 1 to step 2 and back to step 1. (at some point I’ll make a burpees video, until then, follow the diagram.)
6) Mountain Climbers – since you’re down on your hands and knees anyway do a set of mountain climbers. Your pace is up to you.
7) Plank Jacks – a plank is pushup position. A jack is opening and closing your legs. These can be stepped or jumped.
8) Pushups – on your toes or on your knees or do a half pushup or just hold a plank.
9) Jumping front lunges/ ski jumps / step lunges – this option is completely up to you, depending on how you feel at this point in the routine.
10) Front kicks – Karate kick, dancer kicks or just kicks, as high as you want, as quick as you want. Remember to bend the knee and straighten it. Besides the balance benefit, the point of kicking is bending the knee.
11) Squats – or power squats, or jumping squats. When you do squats keep these “guidelines” in mind. Push your butt back as if you are sitting down. Keep your knees behind your toes – this reduces the pressure on your knees. Push up through your heels, (or you can imagine pushing your heels into the floor.) Squats is a butt exercise, not a knees exercise
12) Trunk/Torso twists – keep your elbows at or above chest level and twist side to side.
Stretch, get water, cool down, walk it off, breathe deeply and you’re done. Ready for the day.
Just some quick notes. How long to do this for? You can count repetitions (reps) or time or a combination of both. When I’m working myself I’ll count reps, when I’m teaching a class, it’s for time (about 30 – 45 seconds each exercise.) I’ve found that two rounds eat up anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes.
Benefits: In twenty minutes your body will start using (burning) fat for fuel. In thirty minutes of sweating the fat in your body will start to emulsify, which will make it easier to move, out of your body. Best of all, your body will be burning lots of calories for the next 6 to 12 hours, more than if you hadn’t exercised.
If you do this daily for two weeks, you’ll notice results. If you do it for four weeks, other people will notice results. If you do it for six weeks, you will have to buy smaller clothes and if you do it for twelve weeks you’ll probably do it for the rest of your life.
Here’s an old pushups video from You Tube you can watch if you want (best started around the 2:40 mark.)
Ok folks, here’s the first minimumwagefitness.com “How To” article. This process will work for you if you do it every day. Don’t ask why it works… the explanations will come later. Just do it and share your results.
Get up 30 to 40 minutes earlier every day and move around… this is also known as exercise. If you have to drag yourself out of bed do it. *I think cardio is best done at the beginning of the day, but you can do this any time really.
Disclaimer: (By the way, in case you follow this advice you should..)
It is strongly recommended that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.
You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise.
You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge minimumwagefitness.com from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of unforeseen circumstances.
This is the routine I’ve been doing since august 24th of this (2014) year. You can modify as necessary. I call this Eat Sweat: Zodiac Protocol, because there are twelve exercises and I imagine that I am the sun moving through the twelve constellations.
1) Run/Jog/March in place – if impact is an issue for any reason, be it joint concerns or downstairs neighbors, go gently. Raise your knees up high and put them down lightly.
2) Jacks – whether jumping or stepping. Keep your palms facing upward and touch your fingers.
3) Heel-toe shuffle – this is like back peddling. You can hop or step. (Stepping it reminds me of the Ghostbusters Dance.)
4) Shadow box – you can throw any type of punches you like, as many as you like, as slowly or as quickly as you like… just do it.
5) Burpees – (picture) personally I have a love-hate relationship with burpees. They will get the job done. I see these as something to be conquered and I attack them. You, may barely be able to get yourself down and up off of the floor, which is all the more reason you need to do them, or some version of them. So if you’ve never done these before, take each step as a mini exercise. For instance go from step 1 to step 2 and back to step 1. (at some point I’ll make a burpees video, until then, follow the diagram.)
6) Mountain Climbers – since you’re down on your hands and knees anyway do a set of mountain climbers. Your pace is up to you.
7) Plank Jacks – a plank is pushup position. A jack is opening and closing your legs. These can be stepped or jumped.
8) Pushups – on your toes or on your knees or do a half pushup or just hold a plank.
9) Jumping front lunges/ ski jumps / step lunges – this option is completely up to you, depending on how you feel at this point in the routine.
10) Front kicks – Karate kick, dancer kicks or just kicks, as high as you want, as quick as you want. Remember to bend the knee and straighten it. Besides the balance benefit, the point of kicking is bending the knee.
11) Squats – or power squats, or jumping squats. When you do squats keep these “guidelines” in mind. Push your butt back as if you are sitting down. Keep your knees behind your toes – this reduces the pressure on your knees. Push up through your heels, (or you can imagine pushing your heels into the floor.) Squats is a butt exercise, not a knees exercise
12) Trunk/Torso twists – keep your elbows at or above chest level and twist side to side.
Stretch, get water, cool down, walk it off, breathe deeply and you’re done. Ready for the day.
Just some quick notes. How long to do this for? You can count repetitions (reps) or time or a combination of both. When I’m working myself I’ll count reps, when I’m teaching a class, it’s for time (about 30 – 45 seconds each exercise.) I’ve found that two rounds eat up anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes.
Benefits: In twenty minutes your body will start using (burning) fat for fuel. In thirty minutes of sweating the fat in your body will start to emulsify, which will make it easier to move, out of your body. Best of all, your body will be burning lots of calories for the next 6 to 12 hours, more than if you hadn’t exercised.
If you do this daily for two weeks, you’ll notice results. If you do it for four weeks, other people will notice results. If you do it for six weeks, you will have to buy smaller clothes and if you do it for twelve weeks you’ll probably do it for the rest of your life.
Here’s an old pushups video from You Tube you can watch if you want (best started around the 2:40 mark.)